Setting the Facts Straight About COVID-19

Disproving 5 Common Coronavirus Lies

Alexa Ward, Reporter

Claim: If you don’t have a fever, you don’t have the coronavirus.

Truth: The coronavirus has a large range of symptoms and will show differently from person to person. Some people may

even have no symptoms at all.

Claim: The Coronavirus is no worse than the flu.

Truth: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert told congress that COVID-19 was 10

times more deadly than the seasonal flu.

Claim: Having more Melanin protects you from the Coronavirus

Truth: According to the National Cancer Institute, Melanin is a natural pigment that gives color to the skin and

eyes. On Feb. 22, an article on titled “People of Color May be Immune to the Coronavirus Because

of Melanin” claimed that “A study done by The National Center of Biological Health shows that melanin levels in an

organism may affect the ability to resist disease and viruses,” however the study was conducted with animals, not

humans, and it was to see how they resisted parasites, not viruses an diseases. It is not proven that having more

Melanin can protect against the Coronavirus.

Claim: Drinking alcohol will prevent Coronavirus infection

Truth: A letter started circling the internet on March 11 stating that following extensive research, “our findings

show consuming alcoholic beverages may help to reduce the risk of infection by the novel coronavirus…” and suggested

vodka for cleaning, drinking and sanitizing. In Iran, 44 people were reported dead from drinking bootleg alcohol in

hopes of curing the virus. Certain alcohol can be used to disinfect surfaces, similar to the alcohol in hand

sanitizer, but alcohol consumption is not proven to protect against or cure the virus.

Claim: You should wear your mask with blue on the outside if you are infected and white on the outside of you are not

infected but don’t want to become infected

Truth: You should always wear the blue side of the mask on the outside because the blue side is waterproof and the

white side is absorbent. Always follow the directions that come with whatever masks you purchase.
