Ping Pong Club
October 7, 2021
The CLHS Ping Pong Club is a student-run club that currently plays non-competitive ping pong. The club’s leaders include Justin Liao, Alex Luong, and Jason Balke.
“The Ping Pong club is just a gathering of people to play ping pong… we just want to have fun” Justin Liao said.
The ping pong club is a friendly environment to make friends.
“It’s a place where people of similar interest can come together and play,” Tyler Rathjen, said.
Ping Pong is more popular than you think. There are many people who play for fun at Clear Lake.
“When I was handing out those flyers and they were turning it in, they seemed like some serious players,” Rathjen said. One player even said he always brought a paddle with him everywhere.
The club has some ambitions on how to further their message.
“Tournaments I’m not sure about. But we might find something to do during daisy day. Maybe we’ll hold an activity,” Rathjen said.
The club is laid-back and encourages anyone to see what they’re about.
“You don’t have to be part of the club to go play you can try out once. Just show up to the meeting try it out. Maybe ping pong is not for you or maybe it is… you never know.” Rathjen Said
At the Ping Pong Club, you do not have to bring your own equipment.
“I’m pretty optimistic about the first meeting,” Alex Luong said.
The Club’s first meeting was on Thursday, Sept. 30 during B-Lunch. There was about 50 people.
“There was a lot more people than expected,” said Luong.
The gym had four tables to play ping pong on.
Luong had crushed his fingers from one of the tables. He had to rush to the school nurse.
Few were able to get to play. Most crowded around the tables watching others have fun. Some of the members decided to have their own fun by hitting the ping pong balls into the seats and spinning on top of a wheelie chair.
At the end of B-lunch Liao yelled for everybody to clean up, but most of the members left quickly after that. “I thought it ended pretty well,” Luong said.
Their next meeting will be Oct. 7 during B-Lunch.