State Department Announces New Gender Marker


Izzy Gariel, Editor


In June 2021 the State Departments had announced that they no longer require. Passport’s applicants to submit medical identification to change your gender marker on your passport. Under the new policy you can obtain a full ten-year valid passport with an updated gender marker that reads “M, “F” or “X”.


The “X” stands for non-binary, meaning you do not identify as either a female or a male. The United States is the first to come out with this announcement.


As of June 2021, the state departments decided that you will no longer need a physician’s certificate to change the gender. You can select the gender marker as you wish to appear on your passport. They announced that no additional documentation is necessary.


“When you are denied the access to go places it feels like prison,” Dana Zzym said.


This current passport change applies to both adults and minors. This passport application is very subject to some special paternal consent with requirements.


According to Observatory. Ord, “Non-binary identities have taken centre stage over the past few years and more people have started to openly identify as non-binary. In the UK, non-binary people make up one per cent of the population – about 630,000 people.”


All you need to check your online application status you just need this information: Your Last name, date of birth and the last four digits your Social Security Number. You may not get an update on your status update for up to four weeks after you renew or apply.


“Today we are grateful for the significant step,” a company Family Equality mentioned in an article.


Zzyym was the first recipient of this new update. “I’m not a problem, I am a human being,” Zzyym said in and interview with the Associated Press. “I almost burst into tears when I opened the envelop and saw the ‘X’ stamped boldly under ‘sex.’”


Zzyym who uses gender neutral pronouns was born with ambiguous sex characteristics. Gender neutral pronouns are “they”, “them” and “their.”


In a statement Zzyym mentioned that they underwent several “painful, irreversible and medically unnecessary surgeries,” after their parents had settled on raising them as Cis male.


With the new marker now available to citizens, people can begin either renewing or applying passports as they see necessary.