Class of ’22 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
The class of 2022 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
February 7, 2022
CLHS has been considered an overachieving campus which holds brilliant students. The two students of the class of 2022 who put in their best effort and stood out the most academically were valedictorian Allen Shen, and salutatorian Luana Liao.
Although Shen and Liao are extremely grateful to have obtained this title after putting in years of hard work, neither of them planned or strived to be the lucky two this year.
“It really just kind of happened,” Liao said. “I’ve always tried to do the best I can in all of my classes and aim as high as possible.”
Both Shen and Liao took above average classes to reach their extremely high GPAs of 5.9 on a 6-point scale.
“I took a lot of AP classes; I think I ended up taking around 14 or 15 total in high school,” Shen said.
These brilliant students have specific hobbies that contributed to their immaculate outcome of valedictorian and salutatorian.
“I really like running but the reason I run is not to get fit but it’s so that I can listen to books while I run,” Shen said. “I like listening to Moby Dick and things like that.”
After achieving the highest title in high school that they could, they have begun to look into their future college and career plans.
“I would like to work in STEM fields, so probably engineering or computer science since I enjoy my math and science classes the most,” Liao said. “I haven’t quite picked a college but I have gotten into UT Austin for a computer science major.”
Liao has given some wise words of advice for current students and future successes.
“Try to do the best you can and use all of your resources wisely but try not to strain yourself too much,” Liao said.
Shen has also given some final words of advice.
“You shouldn’t just focus on your grades, you should also focus on who you are as a person, who you’re involved with, and what you define as,” Shen said.
As valedictorian and salutatorian, Shen and Liao claim to be grateful for all of their support and how far they have come.