Wrapping up the year with ICC

Mr. Drake Weekly Bulletin

Members of the Indian Culture Club perform a traditional Indian dance

Marisol Orlina, Reporter

Last week the Indian Culture Club held its annual India Night in the PAC. The event included cultural performances from club members and their peers along with dinner served afterwards.

Indian Culture Club, or ICC, is a student-led association that promotes cultural education and community amongst its members. India Night is one of their most prized moments of the year.

“The purpose of India Night was to spread the value of Indian culture to people who are not familiar with it,” junior and ICC historian Angela Aajith said. “[India Night] is also a way to reconnect back to our own culture.”

The club also donates their proceeds afterwards. This year the chosen charity was Pratham USA.

By donation to this organization, ICC and India Night attendees were able to support Pratham’s mission to supply India’s population with low-cost solutions used to improve education and labor.

India Night’s festivities began 6:00 p.m. on April 9, India Night began with “Lassi Hour.” The title was meant to mimic cocktail hour with a cultural twist. Up until 7:00 p.m., Lassi and appetizers were served until it was time to begin the club’s performances.

Afterwards, at 7:00 p.m., the performances began. In all there were 13 acts, including the exciting ICC tradition of the senior skit.

“I had so much fun dancing with my friends, especially in front of a full audience,” freshman and performer Aryana Patel said.

The showing was attended by close to 400 people, including teachers and administration. It was very successful for the club, but also entertaining for viewers.

“All of the performances were amazing,” Patel said. “[The performances] were such a great representation of the wide variety of Indian culture.”

Afterwards at 9:00 p.m. attendees and performers were invited to have dinner. Mainly Punjabi food was served, with dishes such as palak paneer and naan. Another popular activity of the night was Mehndi.

The club was very proud of their production this year and have just begun elections for next year’s officers.

“We hope all members will votes and choose great officers for next year!” Aajith said.

It’s been another great run for the club. Now that the festivities are wrapping up, it’s time to prepare for what next year brings.