The New Tardy Policy and How the Lake Community Feels About It

Samuel Ellis, Reporter

This year, Lake has implemented a new policy for students being tardy to class. The classroom doors
close as soon as the bell rings, and students who are late must report to the nearest tardy kiosk.

Once a student reaches six tardies, they earn a one-hour detention. The detention length increases by
number of tardies. If a student is tardy 15+ times, it’s a minimum one day in ISS.

There are mixed feelings on this policy among the students and staff members.

“I think the tardy policy is very equal,” sophomore Van Stevenson said. “I always get to class in a timely
manner, so I’m never tardy. As long as you get to class and don’t fool around in the halls it shouldn’t
affect you.”

Some students had different opinions on the matter, such as sophomore Timothy Bass.

“Personally, I think it’s a little too extreme…like are you really telling me that 10 or more tardies this
whole school year will take away my exemption status?” Bass said.

While the student’s opinions differed, the teachers seemed to be in general support of the policy.

“I think the tardy policies are working, students aren’t lingering and are in class more” Journalism
teacher Mrs. Hawkins said.

However, she is unsure about the rules regarding the number of tardies and the punishments.

“I think that five tardies is a little low, but I don’t know the magic number to start on… you could
technically get a 1-hour detention in one day.” Hawkins said. “I think five might be good, but I think
resetting them after nine weeks and maybe the semester might be better.”

English teacher Ms. James had prior experience with tardy kiosks at her former school, and she is a
fan of the policy.

“I felt like tardies were a really big problem before, and I’m seeing such a change since we
implemented it,” Ms. James said.

She also recognized a potential issue with the policy.

“I feel like it could be a bit of an issue for first period tardies, because sometimes that’s out of the
students’ control,” Ms. James said. “However, I think that maybe parents will start leaving a little earlier
to get their student here on time.”

Overall, the tardy policy is a new system, and in time we will see how truly effective (or ineffective) it