Cellphones to be Banned in Schools Across America


Julian Collins, Reporter

Why is it that we see lots of people at school on their phones? Maybe students are texting, or maybe checking social media. Whatever it may be, lots of people are constantly on their phones inside and outside of school. Due to this, many parents and teachers see this as a problem, causing schools to take action and ban phones from school. The response to this has been massive outrage. Many people see school as where we go to socialize and see our friends. However, many teachers see school as a place of learning, where phones should not be used whatsoever.

From Maine, to Virginia, to California, school districts are banning phones in their schools. Recently Massachusetts school districts have been getting hate due to the majority of their schools banning phones on campus for students and teachers. Buxton high school in Massachusetts, is taking what many teachers would call a “phone break,” meaning no student or teacher can bring their phones on campus.

“I don’t think we need to wait any longer to see enough evidence of the mental health toll these devices are taking on teenagers” senior director Franny Shuker Haines said. Shuker feels that apps on phones are addictive and thinks that they create dividers between people.

Many teachers are against the idea of banning phones in school, in fact lots of teachers stated that during the pandemic they began to appreciate the ease of technology. They feel there are other solutions to phone problems. Many teachers have proposed handing out pouches that lock so students can store their phone and get it back at the end of the day. Or even handing in their phone to the teacher and getting it back at the end of class.

But with lots of these solutions, many have their problems. For instance, If the schools were to institute locking pouches that the students put their phones in, that would cut into budgets of schools depending how much funding they get. Or if students are to turn their phone in, how do we know they aren’t just going to lie and store their phone somewhere else.

Phones in this generation have become a big problem, to many parents and teachers they believe that cellphones will be the downfall of the recent generations. It’s important to limit cellphones usage however, it’s also important to prioritize socialization, which can affect mental health and actions. Teenagers must learn to limit themselves, and extremist parents and teachers must learn that phones have become a big part of daily life, meaning they’ll be here till the end of time.


Wired: https://www.wired.com/story/cell-phone-bans-school/

CBS: https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/massachusetts-schools-cell-phones-banned/