Everything Wrong With “The Traffic on Main Street”

Anonymous, Student Writer

This article is an anonymous rebuttal submitted by a student not on the Lake Reflections staff to an article that was published to our online paper last month.

Nearly a month ago, an article was published listing possible reasons for  heavy  traffic  during  passing  periods. Below is a list of issues I find with the article:

1.  The  reporter,  Audrey Perez,  begins her article by stating, “As the school year begins there is usually  traffic   in   the   hallways   due    to   people  trying  to  find their way around the winding halls of the school, but now, a month into school, we should not have this much  traffic  in  the  hallways.”  However, I disagree with the notion that, because time has passed and everyone  knows  where  they  are  going,  that  traffic  will  decrease.  After all, the number of students in the school has stayed the same. It’s illogical to assume that traffic will get better as time passes if the variable that causes traffic has not changed. 

2. The reporter then mentions that “As the school year progresses, students make more friends in their classes. This causes them to want to meet up in between classes and just stop in the middle of the hallways or just talk and walk extremely slow, like come on guys it’s not that hard.” While I agree that this phenomenon can be annoying to encounter, I also understand the reasons for the occurrence, and I don’t expect it to  decrease. After all, some students aren’t able to meet up with their friends outside of school. Not to mention   how   many   students’  preexisting dislike of school is only offset   by   their   friends ’  and   classmates’ company. One can’t expect everyone to be a mechanical robot whose only duty is to efficiently get to class.

3. Additionally, Ms. Perez claims, “Another reason that causes traffic is people who walk on the wrong side of the hallway. I cannot tell you how many times I have been walking on the right side of the hallway and  there  are  people  going  the  opposite way crashing into me.” The reason some people walk on the wrong side of the hallway is to go around previously mentioned slow walkers who block the hall. And if you don’t want to be bumped into, just move out of their way. You can’t control others, but you can control your own actions.

4. Ms. Perez then claims that “Although there are people who need [rolling backpacks], sometimes we see people who don’t really need them using them.” If everyone only had items that they needed, the world would be a much better place than it is. It’s not fair to place your place your expectations on others, especially when you yourself probably cannot say that you have nothing unnecessary  for  your  survival.  Besides, how  does  she  know  the  people who use rolling backpacks don’t need them? What if they have brittle bone disease or a particularly bad   case   of   scoliosis?   Just   because they don’t look like they need it doesn’t mean they actually don’t. And even if they didn’t need it, are you going to buy them a regular backpack?

5. “Honestly, I don’t understand why people who don’t need rolling back packs have them. For one, you are going to have to carry it to go up the stairs anyways.” I’m sorry, are YOU the one doing the lifting? What does it matter to you? Maybe the rolling backpack owners like getting some extra exercise. Who are you to judge?

6. Ms. Perez goes on to say that “Although I pay attention, that does not mean everyone does. Just imagine other people might get hurt if they are not paying attention. They could fall and maybe  hurt  their   ankle, break their arm trying to catch themselves, or maybe even hurt others.”  If  someone  is  not  paying attention and hurt themselves, it’s their own fault, not the fault of whatever they tripped on. It’s almost like she’s saying “the victim can do no wrong” … because the rolling backpack owners are totally purposely trying to trip people. Even if the rolling backpack owners all switched to regular bags, that doesn’t guarantee less injuries. After all, the bags weren’t the sole cause of all the injuries students accumulate at school in the first place. Before the rolling backpack owners attended this school, there were people who fell, and after the rolling backpack owners leave, there will be people who fall.

7. Ms. Perez ends the article with, “if you do one of these things just know you are one of the causes for traffic and people are probably annoyed of you.” Yeah, you read that right. She does not provide solutions to the problems she listed; only heaps blame on those she believes causes additional traffic. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if more people walked on the opposite side of the hallway or walked slowly and blocked the hall with their friends because of this article. Thanks, Perez. 

This review has probably seemed mean and targeted, but if it makes those who might take offense feel any better, I have no idea who Ms. Perez is. If I saw her in the hallways, I wouldn’t recognize her. Audrey, you are entitled to your own opinions, and I am entitled to mine. I hope you don’t take offense at what I’ve  written  as  these  are  just  my  beliefs, and I am opposed to your beliefs on this issue but not your person. But in the end, Ms. Perez does have a point – if you are the cause of traffic, just try to be a little more mindful of your walking speed, what side of the hallway you’re walking on, and if you’re accidentally rolling over someone’s toes.