Reaching Out
November 17, 2022
The JROTC program is having a food drive from Oct. 31 to Dec. 2, where the top third period classes with the most non-perishable foods donations will win a pizza party.
“The goals for this year’s food drive is to clearly donate as many non perishable foods as possible and hopefully beat last year’s goal,” LTC senior Yuni Mota said.
The objective is to receive as many donations as possible by towards the end of the year.
The food drive idea was by Miss JROTC, Jessica Ruiz.
“Our Miss JROTC Jessica Ruiz came up with the food drive idea, this is her second year running the show, I believe she has the same goal as we all do,” Mota said.
An importance to donate is to lend a hand to those in need.
“I believe it’s important because as a part of the community I feel we should give back and help support those in need,” Rodriguez said.
When giving out to others, not only does it help those in need but shows caring.
“I think it’s important because there are so many people who don’t have the luxury of food itself,” Mota said. “So, to have other come together in a way and help is what’s important putting others before us.”
A way to prepared for this they made boxes and handed them out for donations.
“When preparing we made the boxes to be handed out and began telling people to donate food for the cause,” Rodriguez said.
This wouldn’t be possible without the help of the school and church.
“We go ask teachers if they’d like to participate and we get their boxes together and decorated,” Mota said. “There’s a lot that needs to be coordinated with the church and the school to be able to do this,”
A way to help out this Thanksgiving and Christmas is by donating and giving out to those in need.