The Return of the XFL


Wyatt Young, Reporter

Sometimes football can be boring, especially the NFL. The creators of the WWE created the XFL, an alternate league where the rules are different and the game is fun. Feb. 18 kicks off the second season of the XFL since 2001.

The XFL was first introduced to America in 2000 and was owned by WWF and NBC. The league was originally founded to give football fans something to watch after the Super Bowl.

After its first season in 2001, NBC lost 35 million dollars in their 100-million-dollar investment. With that, NBC decided to not continue and left Vince McMahon (owner of the WWE) with the company.

In 2020 former wrestler Dwayne Johnson and Dany Garcia bought the company. With season ready to begin in 2020 (suspended due to COVID-19) and is set to resume on Feb. 18 in Texas.

The first two games are the Las Vegas Vipers Vs. the Arlington Renegades at Choctaw Stadium at 2:00 PM. The second game starts at 7:30 PM with the Orlando Guardians vs. The Houston Roughnecks at TDECU stadium.

The XFL has many differences than regular football including the ways you can score. There are different extra points you can score, from the two yard line which is one point, from the five yard line which is two points, and the 10 yard line which is three points.

Touchdowns are still seven points and kickoff is the same but with small changes. In the fourth quarter instead of doing an onside kick, you have the option to keep the ball but start at fourth down and 15 from their own 25 yard-line.

The time is the same-15 minutes, but the play clock is 35 seconds to help the game move faster. The teams have one challenge each game but have the ability to challenge anything including flags and yards gained.

Let’s say the score is tied and the fourth quarter has ended, what happens? They go into overtime, but overtime is different in this league. Instead of one score wins it all, each team gets three chances (drives) to score.

We will see if the XFL will continue this year or go bankrupt, again.

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